Friday, November 2, 2007

Week 3

During the third week Attisons Beta Food was added to the micro aquarium to feed some of the larger organisms. This week I spent a great deal of time observing the Cyclops because it is the organism that is the most intriguing to me. I followed it around the tank with the microscope on the weakest setting I observed it moving rapidly throughout the tank and also noticed it stop to feed on debris. I tried to photograph the cyclops but could not get a good image.

A new organism that I discovered in the aquarium was seed shrimp. seed shrimp is a very odd looking round organism. I was able to get a fairly decent image of a seed shrimp feeding on some debris in the tank (see above).

The overall condition of the tank has changed a great deal since week one. By comparing the two weeks I noticed that some of the smaller organisms are disappearing and some of the larger organisms are flourishing, I think this may be because larger organism are feeding on the smaller ones.

Here is an Updated list of organisms
Water mite
Seed shrimp

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