Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 5

This was my fifth and final week of observing my micro aquarium. Over the last five weeks I have observed many interesting microorganisms that before I knew nothing about. Actually observing these organisms first hand was pretty interesting.

As you can probably tell by reading all of my previous entries my favorite organism to observe was the cyclops but this week I observed the water mite. The water mite is rather large compared to some of the other organisms in the tank, however it is still very small by our standards. I would describe them as looking like a small tick, it was fat with eight short hairy legs and its overall color was brown with some yellow tints.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 4

During week four of observing my micro aquarium I noticed as is the cast for weeks past as well that the amount of debris and algae in my aquarium has increased. I do not know if this is because of increased waste amounts from the organisms living there or if it is just an ideal set up for algae to grow. The organisms in the tank seemed to be functioning normally, although I had a harder time finding the organisms in the tank than before. Maybe there is a reduced number of organisms in the tank or I just wasn't lucky.

The organism I decided to really focus on this week was the seed shrimp. The seed shrimp is a very strange looking organism as you can see by observing the photo. I watched as the seed shrimp moved through the water and feed on debris. I enjoy observing this organism because it is always feeding and that is very interesting to observe,and it also moves around by contorting its body to propel itself.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Seed Shrimp (Far Left)
My Micro Aquarium (Left)

Week 3

During the third week Attisons Beta Food was added to the micro aquarium to feed some of the larger organisms. This week I spent a great deal of time observing the Cyclops because it is the organism that is the most intriguing to me. I followed it around the tank with the microscope on the weakest setting I observed it moving rapidly throughout the tank and also noticed it stop to feed on debris. I tried to photograph the cyclops but could not get a good image.

A new organism that I discovered in the aquarium was seed shrimp. seed shrimp is a very odd looking round organism. I was able to get a fairly decent image of a seed shrimp feeding on some debris in the tank (see above).

The overall condition of the tank has changed a great deal since week one. By comparing the two weeks I noticed that some of the smaller organisms are disappearing and some of the larger organisms are flourishing, I think this may be because larger organism are feeding on the smaller ones.

Here is an Updated list of organisms
Water mite
Seed shrimp

Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 2

Week two was substantially more exciting then week one. I observed many incredible organisms but was only able to identify a few of them. The most interesting organism that I observed was a small organism that almost looked like a horseshoe crab or a stingray. When this organism swam it almost looked like it was flapping wings but, when its "wings" were in it was very hard to see. I also observed an organism shaped like a coach roach that moved extremely fast and stopped at each plant either to eat or hide.

The most exciting thing I observed was very unexpected. I was focusing on a micro-shrimp like organism which was staying stationary so I could get a good look at it, when a large transparent asymmetrical organism consumed it. What made this event even more interesting is because the organism was transparent I could see the other organism struggle and die inside it.

a short list of organisms I could identify (more our on the way as I observe more)

Water mite

Monday, October 22, 2007

I set up my micro aquarium by adding water from the bottom, middle, and the surface of container 8, I also was sure to collect some debris to accurately replicate the natural environment. After filling the micro aquarium with water I added Mossa moss to help create an effective ecosystem. After doing this I made observations.

Week 1

During week 1 I noticed many diferent forms of algae in the water. I also noticed simple single celled organisms that just seemed to ooze along when the moved. I also noticed a microscopic shrimp like organism that swam like a fish, other organisms scattered when this organism got to close which made me curious as to if it is a predator. The most intriguing organism I noticed were small round organism that swam with frontal fins, it resembled a turtle when it moved through the water.