Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 2

Week two was substantially more exciting then week one. I observed many incredible organisms but was only able to identify a few of them. The most interesting organism that I observed was a small organism that almost looked like a horseshoe crab or a stingray. When this organism swam it almost looked like it was flapping wings but, when its "wings" were in it was very hard to see. I also observed an organism shaped like a coach roach that moved extremely fast and stopped at each plant either to eat or hide.

The most exciting thing I observed was very unexpected. I was focusing on a micro-shrimp like organism which was staying stationary so I could get a good look at it, when a large transparent asymmetrical organism consumed it. What made this event even more interesting is because the organism was transparent I could see the other organism struggle and die inside it.

a short list of organisms I could identify (more our on the way as I observe more)

Water mite

Monday, October 22, 2007

I set up my micro aquarium by adding water from the bottom, middle, and the surface of container 8, I also was sure to collect some debris to accurately replicate the natural environment. After filling the micro aquarium with water I added Mossa moss to help create an effective ecosystem. After doing this I made observations.

Week 1

During week 1 I noticed many diferent forms of algae in the water. I also noticed simple single celled organisms that just seemed to ooze along when the moved. I also noticed a microscopic shrimp like organism that swam like a fish, other organisms scattered when this organism got to close which made me curious as to if it is a predator. The most intriguing organism I noticed were small round organism that swam with frontal fins, it resembled a turtle when it moved through the water.